Just A Lot of Clutter in My Head...
I saw on the cover of CLEO magazine (either May or June issue 06) "Declutter - your workdesk, your emotions and stuff... Even though I was really tempted to purchase that particular issue, I managed to resist the temptation (I had learned from my past mistakes - there's usually not even a half-decent article inside - for all I know, it might just be one of those 1-page list of pointers on what to do and how to do it).But that's one thing I really need to do - DECLUTTER...1. My work desk - it was really neat when I returned a few days ago - but now it's full of clutter again. Sighz...when will my table ever see light again? Sad to say, not in the near future.2. hmm, emotionally? eh...let's not even go there - I'm sure a 1000-page book will not be able to accommodate even half of my senseless ramblings...3. My room - erm, it's kinda in the same state as my desk? They, erm, sorta take turns at holding my stuff - it's either on my bed or on my desk. I know...and I'm a ger somemore...There are tons of stuff swirling around in my head - what I gotta do and stuff...what I wanna say and stuff..but somehow, I just can't seem to get down to it. Frankly, I feel like I have the attention span of Hammy (the squirrel) in "Over The Hedge" - I just can't sit down long enough to get things done, or my thoughts out. And it seems to be worsening - morphing into a couch potato (one of my fave activities in the past) has started to seem so oppressive and more of an obligation rather than a form of enjoyment. I actually watch my tv serials at 1.5x the normal speed - so that I can be done with them in a shorter time and hence, squeeze in more stuff to watch in the limited amount of time i have. Goodness - what is happening - whatever happened to the joy of watching TV?The sky must be falling down....(TAKE COVER!)There you go....that's just an EXCERPT of what's going on in my head - I'm sure you don't want to know the full extent of the damage - neither do I; I'm perpetually in self-denial... :(
Langham Place Hotel

Tadah - the Pearl of the Orient... Actually am just trying this out - as I am typing now, I am actually transferring the pictures (though pathetically FEW) from my digicam to my laptop...
I didn't really know why I took this picture - trut be told - I am really the kinda "point and shoot" kinda gal - so as long as it looks adequately alright on the small LCD screen on my digicam - "Click".
Now I remember why I took this particular shot - the contrast between the old dingy buildings with the tall, modern and sleek looking tall building at the back.
What really amazed me in HK was the co-existence of these 2 different types of architectural structures (which we, or at least I, seldom find in Singapore - most have either been razed down - FOR UPGRADING or something like that, or been slated for 'conservation for cultural and heritage purposes - but somehow, they always end up losing their original look).
See the picture below for what I mean - you see all the buildings of varying heights and age and I just am amazed at how they can co-exist together. Hmmm, which reminds me, HK serials really do show how they live. By the way, this picture was taken from the hotel room - 22 storeys above...

hAnyways, here's the 2nd instalment about the trip - what my friends have been 'wowing' about - the place I stayed in - Langham Place Hotel - see below! (This is the linkway between the 15-storey shopping mall - Langham Place and the hotel where I was staying).
Apparently, this rather new hotel has earned itself quite a few mentions in notable magazines - TIME and such. It was rather posh - in a different way, I must admit, though I don't really get all the art pieces but the location was darn cool - just think Swissotel in Singapore.
What struck me most about the hotel was its location - it was right smack in the middle of the shopping belt? (or at least Mong Kok MTR station) and as the coach ferrying us from the airport meandered around the small streets to get to our hotel (it was the 2nd one on the way - among other hotels that the coach had to get to) - I was quite taken aback that such a 'magnificient' or at least tall and clean building could be found standing amidst the rest of the buildings that appeared much older, dingier and shorter by comparison - it was almost like an oasis - and I mentioned that to my friend.
He explained that it was pretty new - and I suppose the system there doesn't allow you to tear down all the 'slums' or older buildings around it just on the pretext of building a whole near shopping hub. Anyway, I was and still am amazed at the unique combination of the buildings in the city.
Anyway, we stayed on the 22nd storey (the whole hotel is about 42 storeys high, with the top 3 floors dedicated to the Chuan Spa - we wanted to get a Tao of Detox treatment - but all the slots were fully booked - gosh - and the treatment definitely ain't cheap).
The hotel was kinda pricey - not as high end as Sheraton/ Marriott, but definitely more than a few notches above the 3 star ones. But guess what, it was definitely worth it to stay there - it's really nice and posh - the location was superb and it was great being able to come back (pretty late) on the MTR and not have to walk in dark alleys or a long way to get back to the hotel room. The comfy bed and plasma/ LCD TV in the room also were much-appreciated niceties.

Check out the lobby here - this was the one on the 4th level which linked the mall to the hotel - and where we sorta 'transited' the most... as usual - there were several sofa sets (all superbly comfy) there and where the check-in & concierge was. Ooh, did I mention that when we got there, the bus dropped us off across the street - so we basically had to walk across a street to get to the hotel street level - it wasn't even the lobby - but a place where passengers were dropped off and picked up. As I dragged my super large and heavy luggage, the bellboys came and took our luggage and we were whisked up to this lobby to check in. (Don't ask me how the porter knew which room we were in - the luggage appeared later).
A lady, dressed in a bright fuschia sorta-uniform with a large black hat and gloves led us to the lobby and the check-in counter. (I had such an urge to take a pic of her, but I didn't want to offend or insult her...sigh - the consequences of good manners).
While we were processing with the check-in, the receptionist attending to us suddenly produced 2 ice-cold towels on a platter for us to freshen ourselves. Woah - HEY, even Mariott Singapore doesn't do that!
And did I mention that it was raining every single day I was there? We had an umbrella in our room, but needed one more - so the Concerige became our personal umbrella loan counter - haha. Seriously.. and also - access to Internet - there was connection in the rooms, but at a hefty price tag of SGD16 for 30 minutes - we eventually found our way to the Portal - where there were 4 laptops and 3 iMacs with internet access for guests to use. Cool...
Hmmm, ya know, now I sorta don't mind paying that much for accommodation - cos it really does make a difference! Langham Place Hotel was nice.... :)
Greetings from the Pearl of Orient
It was what I had expected it to be, and yet NOT what I had expected it to be.
Sounds confusing? I know - it is.
Perhaps it's familiar because of the exposure (though limited) I have had via the various HK drama serials that I used to catch when I was younger - who would have missed the policemen in their uniforms, the buses, the streets, the main road names all sound familiar.
The Peak, Causeway Bay, Central, Kowloon, Mong Kok - even Happy Valley (courtesy of my obsession with this long-running HK serial). The small streets, the huge signs - are all so familiar even though it's my first time here - I do suppose watching that much TV programmes has its own benefits - SEE!
Also, the MTR system is really similar to that in Sg - just translocate myself to City Hall or Bugis MRT station and there's that - viola - a replica - sort of - with all the various exits - A - J leading to different places, with underground tunnels and passages, with small shops selling food, convenience stores and the ever-omnipresent 7-11 stores (Thank goodness for them - a nice reminder of home?) - well, that's where I got my first packet of milk - to stave off the hunger, after waiting for about 1-2 hrs at the airport waiting for all the people to arrive before we were whisked off to our respective hotels.
The shopping experience is rather similar too - probably because I am staying in what is equivalent to the Swissotel in Singapore - linked to the MRT station via Raffles City. Over here I am staying at Langham Place Hotel - linked to Mong Kok MTR station via Langham Place Mall. And frankly speaking - the convenience is unbelievable - sometimes it's worth paying more. The downside of it is that most of the shops at Langham Place are all the branded boutiques - (which already populate most of Raffles City & Takashimaya).
Well, am still waiting for the airport transfer - which should arrive in about 25 min time. And the only reason why I have the time to sit here and blog is cos, there is simply no time to go elsewhere and do something else.
More about this trip later - but one thing's for sure - I am sure darn broke.
You know what I finally discovered today?
Well, it's been hovering at the back of my mind (and I am sure, many others') since ...the beginning of time?
But I have always tried to find reasons or excuses for those actions...
Then it finally dawned on me today (after tons of painful experiences) - and that I should not live in self denial anymore...
Tadah... (drum roll)
And it took me more than 2 decades to learn that...
Gosh - sure says a lot about my level of intellect :(
Horrible Weather, Lousy Mood
You know what? I am fed up of having to 'screen' whatever I write here, cos I know so-and-so 'supposedly' know my url and hence, are reading yet (Bah, I may even be flattering myself here).
Anyway, if a blog is not meant for one to vent angry (less destructively and less expensively), then what good is it for?
Was supposed to embark on a kinda fun outing with a friend - and guess what? We quarrelled? Well, truthfully, there wasn't a quarrel - cos that is defined as an argument (verbal) between 2 pple - and as they say, it takes 2 to clap - so far, I am the only one waving like a mad banshee here, or is it the other way round? I also dunno, but I am sure resorting to the silent treatment (at least for now).
Fine, I admit that I am not exactly the most street wise person anyone knows - heck, I am far from remotely street wise - I'm the kinda person that any pickpocket will zoom in on and make his victim - its that bad.
Great - so that makes me a lousy travel companion - so be it; I may be totally excited about doing certain stuff or going certain places or trying out new things - just let me revel in my own excitement, can? Don't keep taking the joy out of it by acting all blase and appearing extremely offended or even embarrassed by my outward display of exuberance?
I already don't get to have any fun in my current job or lifestyle - back off k? Let me have some breathing space. I don't need anyone hovering there ALL THE TIME to tell me what I have done wrong, or tell me the answer to a really dumb question - I already don't feel very smart most of the time, and I sorta treasure the few moments when I don't feel like a dimwit.
Alone OR Lonely...
I have once heard this from someone "You can be alone, but not feel lonely. Yet, you can be surrounded by tons of people and yet be lonely."
I sorta figured the difference between the 2, but it seems clearer now.
So what state am I in now? Truth be told, I do feel that I am BOTH alone and lonely.
It just seems as if there's just me in this whole universe - or rather, just me alone who knows what I am going through emotionally and mentally. And that feeling sucks, big time.
If you look at my schedule for the past 2 days, you definitely won't think so - had Mother's Day dinner with family at Taste Paradise on Friday; went out for a short game of pool and late night coffee with friends after that. On Saturday, went shopping, dinner and movie with a couple of friends.
My friends can attest to my busy schedule - they usually will need to let me know about 1 week in advance if we plan to meet up. But yet, I feel more alone than ever; it's a state of mind, not the number of people you have around you.
And trust me, the feeling sucks; I want to get out of it, but I don't know how :(
Whatever We Do, It's Never Enough
I was seriously half tempted to put the title as 'Whiny Singaporeans' but I realised how politically-incorrect I'd be (though I would have darn hit the nail on the head with that title).Look, I know that I am guilty of this charge as well - complaining, but for me, it's more of a 'therapeutic' thing - and it does save me pretty huge expenses as compared to if I had to see a REAL therapist for this kinda thing. Anyway, back to the subject - I was watching some current affairs show on Channel U - the one whereby they were examining the Free Breakfast Scheme MOE had for primary school students - those students whose parents could not afford to provide breakfast for them at home and hence, they had to go to school and try to concentrate while starving. I had to agree that it was a good gesture with all the good intentions on MOE's part. What I didn't like about the whole thing was how it had 'evolved' or been interpreted by Singaporeans as some kinda privilege or benefit that everyone should partake in. Examples of opinions or views from the parents of primary school children: -1. They should extend it to the afternoon session (this 'free breakfast' scheme is only available to those attending school in the morning session) - make it a free lunch for them. It's unfair that they cannot benefit from it just because they are in the afternoon session.2. $1 is not enough for breakfast (the guideline is $1 per student per day) - Apparently this daughter of this lady interviewed orders a packet of milo - which costs 70 cents and she wants to eat porridge or something else as well - and hence, the $1 given is not enough. 3. They (the canteen vendors) should have more variety - add more vegetables, have more choice, not just sandwiches and porridge or biscuits only - it gets very boring.Hearing these comments just makes my blood boil! And the worst thing - these comments are coming from parents who are not in extreme dire straits - (apparently, some parents who are not THAT needy, are letting their kids come to school on an empty stomach and allowing them to partake in the Free Breakfast scheme, even though they CAN afford to buy them breakfast).By comparison, those who are really needy, are appreciative and their only worry - how long it would last. My 2 cents worth on the whole issue, or specifically, to their responses: -1. MOE is NOT responsible for feeding your kids and making sure that they start school on a full stomach. You, as parents, ARE! When they initiated this 'Free Breakfast' scheme, it was out of good will and with good intentions - so that your kids don't have to bear with a growling stomach, so that your kids can concentrate better in class. It's YOUR kids, it's YOUR responsibility to feed them!2. As for $1 not being enough - $1 can buy a loaf of bread, which can feed a total of 5 children breakfast. And if you analyse the expenditure of that child - why must she buy a drink? Is that absolutely necessary? Why not just drink plain water and spend the money on food that you 'so-called' sorely need? It just reeks of poor planning! (And you can tell me Singaporeans aren't whiny or spoilt?)3. Re: having more variety (apparently fried bee hoon, porridge, sandwiches and biscuits are not enough). This is NOT a buffet line - up for goodness sake - it's FREE breakfast for starving kids whose parents CANNOT afford to give them breakfast before they go to school for lessons! Now you know why I am so fed up and pissed off with these people? And it not just only applies to children - their OWN children. For everything else, someone is never doing enough - heck! One should be grateful that they are doing something in the first place. Singaporeans - nothing is never enough! Argk!
He told me that he wasn't ready for a relationship, any relationship...
He said that he was perfectly happy with his current (then) lifestyle and seriously did not have time for anything else.
It's only been a couple of months...
And all that has changed...
But that person is not me...
for Lynd - you know who you are ;p
I cannot believe it; I just have no self discipline or control.
I just couldnt' resist.
My fingers clumsily punched in the words, and I actually searched for the grammatically correct punctuation sign to include.
Almost immediately, I cancelled the message, but not before I saved it in my Draft folder.
My friend was not back from her shower yet; I had no one to consult.
Against my better judgement, and all the rational thoughts in my head... I retrieved the draft message and sent it.
As I saw the message being sent, I asked myself if I knew what I was getting myself into.
And then, the pounding of the heart officially begins, so does the horrible feeling of having my heart miss a beat everytime my handphone message tone sounds.
Sighz, why am I hostage to this vicious cycle? I so need another distraction.
Preferably furry, adorable and super loyal - maybe it's time I started looking around for a pet.