Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Trip to Korea... Part 1

Went on a 8D6N trip to South Korea...

Fine, registered at photobucket but STILL cannot figure out how the hell to use it.

And it's no good that all my pics are almost 1MB in size each - I probably have to resize all of them first before using them on my blog. Any good ideas for resizing (or lowering their resolution/ quality) besides doing it manually on my digicam - yes, my IT skills are THAT pathetic...

In Obnoxious Mood & Bound to Offend

Heck, the person whom I have definitely offended last night probably won't be reading this; I don't think he even knows this blog exists. But its more of an outlet for me to vent my anger - a less costly & physically destructive one - there are only so many things I can throw in my room. Although I am sure the extent of destruction may not be countable in dollars and cents - I mean, how exactly do you calculate how much a friendship/ acquaintanceship is worth?

We've each other's contact on MSN for eons. Then just last night, he popped "So, how have you been?" or "What's up with you?" or some generic greeting that one uses in a failed attempt to obscure the glaring fact that we have not had any contact for more than a year.

In short, I was pissed.

You should have known, or at least realised by now that I get pissed easily. I don't get angry - it's not worth it, but I do get majorly pissed. Angry is when I should be investing emotions, blah blah blah into it, but pissed is when someone does something stupid, or DOESN'T do anything smart that totally irks me. I'm sure you'd get the difference in meaning...

So I replied "Hi" and was slapped with a "That's all I get/ Can't you do something better than that?" kinda reply. Great, here I am trying to NOT appear TOO pissed and being REAL decent by at least replying and this is the kinda retort one slaps in my face as if I am the one who is in the wrong in the first place. Gawd - I know I sound like a totally short-circuited, angry, psychopath. - I don't know how I am wired that way either; such minor things just get to me...Sighz...

Frankly, I wasn't even sure if he had meant to msg me in the first place. He is a much closer friend to my sibling so I told him upfront about my lacklustre 'Hi' - "was contemplating "You sure you got the right sister?" I knew that would piss him off - hell, even I would be pissed off, but it sure did convey what I wanted to say - that if you hi-ed the wrong person by mistake, here's your chance to run, to scoot before it becomes an ugly brawl.

He was sure. Fine.

Then came a message about how my trip overseas was and that he knew I had travelled to Korea, before self-proclaiming his genius state.

I added "My sis probably have it somewhere in her nick" - I just cannot let it go - I know, I am like that detestable mean dog that refuses to let go of the postman's trousers.

Apparently, I had included it in my nick - That I am sure I did not - my sis probably did. But, whatever...

I know I am mean... "Genius is figuring out why you made contact" or something like that... to which he replied - well, haven't seen you online or talked to you in a while.

In my head, I was thinking BS and I told him 'We see each other online ALL the time" to which he asked - "then why didn't you say hi or something"..

Genius, right. My retort - "What's the point, or where's the point?"

"There is no point cos there is no spoon" - I must be majorly pissing him off.
And I do feel a bit sorry for that (upon retrospect), but when I am in THAT mood, at THAT time, there is nothing that can be done to knock me back to my senses. I just need to be evil, mean, unforgiving...just that the consequences are often ugly... and at my own expense.

I suppose I was giving him hell, and that he didn't really deserve it. I mean, you take the initiative to say hi to some friend and the first thing you get is to be blown off - that's not exactly fair. And it also teaches you alot about who to approach and who NOT to approach in the future.

So I added a disclaimer - "Am in an obnoxious mood now, you probably have to pardon me" and he said "yeah". Shortly afterwhich he added " Gotta go & work now".

I get the point - it's staring me right in the face. "Got the point" I replied..and he went "???' before he went offline (might I add, FOREVER?)

To those who don't know me, you will probably go "HUH? What the hell was that about?"

To those who know me, you will also probably go "HUH? What the hell was that about?"

Oh well, even I am going that to myself....so, just treat it as some senseless rambling that I chalked up since I was in an obnoxious mood and was bound to offend.

Upon retrospect - Sighz...no wonder I have few friends... :(

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Bruised & Battered... with a handful of bad luck to go along...

As I am typing this, my right palm hurts whenever it touches the mousepad or the keyboard. Reason - there's this ugly bloody wound 2 cm in diameter at the bottom of my palm.

I look at myself in the mirror and even I flinch in self disgust - I probably look like some cadaver they got out of some Medicine Journal/ Encyclopedia. Imagine this, or at least try, though I am sure those with weak stomachs will probably lose much of their appetite for their next meal. My left ankle is swathed with a thick white mass of bandages - apparently there are 2 medicinal patches below. What used to be only 1 weak spot with a tendency to give out my me has now recruited another spot - I got 2 injuries - IN and OUTside of my ankle. How horrifically wonderful - one must gush...

Right smack on my right kneecap - the recipient of many bruises and scars, lie a signature white gigantic piece of plaster - it stings constantly - apparently the bleeding refused to cease - the osteopath actually slapped some ground up brown ashlike powder - with the warning that it would sting horribly. And he is darn right!

I have this theory that one can find out which ankle/ foot is weaker (presumably one has both in the first place to start with). It is always the OTHER one that has more injuries on the knee, leg, etc. The basis for my theory is simple - if the ankle is weak, and it gives up on you unpredictably, without any warning - it is always the other one that hits the asphalt path first - the first to fall victim to the crushing, excruciating pain that comes about a while after you've hit the ground. In my experience, it has always been my right knee that is more bloodied, more seriously hurt. Hey, it has more than a couple of war wounds to account for that.

Not that my left leg and hand is spared either - got a graze on my left palm while my left knee is now sporting an ungainly shade of purple, partially camouflaged by the scratches and marks on the left knee cap.


It had been a good night, almost perfect weather and setting in fact. Besides the fact that I had binged on junk food, the wind was strong and I felt ready to jog for a while. After jogging for about 1/2 km to the designated spot where I had felt ready to take on the road, less than 100 m into jogging, my left ankle (which is prone to injuries) suddenly gave out and I found myself diving headlong into the asphalt floor - PAIN! My hp scuttled away from me and another 3 cm and it would have found itself lying at the bottom of a CANAL. I didn't know whether to be grateful, or curse myself for the pathetic state I was in.

Blood trickled (no, OOZED) out of my right knee - I had to hobble back to the MRT station whereby it was the only place with a toilet. At the end of that 200 m walk - blood was clearly bent on staining my socks and shoes... Felt really sorry for myself then..

Why, why why, why me? *Winces in pain...*


It's a total embarrassment - or more accurately speaking, I am a total walking embarrassment. I couldn't even walk properly after leaving the osteopath's clinic - the unsightly gait is one thing - what's worse is the fact that I look extremely accident prone - with both my legs covered in some white gauze or something. I had to take a cab home - I must have appeared like a perfect target for muggers. Sighz...

And work starts tmrw...

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Freaking Glad to Be Back

I am finally back home - in Singapore.
I never realised how much I love it here, how cosmopolitan it is and how at ease I feel here.
So freaking glad to be back - it sucks to be homesick....

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Some Sort of Holiday...

I should be excited but I am not.
I should be happy but I am not.
I should be relieved but I am not.

(Somehow this type of short sentence structure just does not work for me. I am still more used to sentences that are super long, peppered with tons of commas and semi-colons and lots of adjectives. I think Gerald Durrell's style of writing had rubbed off me abit.)

Everyone thinks that going on holidays should be a relaxing activity - whereby one forks out obscene amount of money to enjoy the scenery of other countries - engage in activities one would normally not do in one's native country. It should allow one to relax, chill out and recharge for the rest of the working life.

Then how come I am not feeling a slightest bit of any of the things described above?

I spent obscene amounts of money - check.
That seems to be the only thing that I have managed to achieve in the quest for a relaxing holiday.

Maybe it's just me - I just get so worked up over such things. My friends also laughed at me - "You don't need ALL these things for a 8D6N trip!" And the rational/ irrational (take your pick) side of me retorts - "But 8D means I need 8 sets of clothes to change, etc etc etc".

Perhaps I place a premium on comfort - or more specifically speaking - those that revolve around what I wear on me - clothes, shoes, what I put in my eyes/ on my face - contact lenses, specs, skin care. And I need to shower at least twice a day - once before I go out and once after I get back. It is just a habit and I feel so much better!

To me, it would be blasphemous to go on a trip (NOT a backpacking one somemore) feeling totally uncomfortable, grimy, sticky, sweaty, smelly. Ewwwww.... I mean, it's meant to be a holiday - why make yourselves look like slobs. Fine, granted that we don't have to be totally dressed up - pressed pencil skirt, white, ironed long-sleeve shirt (my sis is wearing THAT ensemble on the flight - don't ask me why).

Besides, one would be taking tons of pictures when holidaying overseas - scenery & people & all that. And there will definitely be at least 1 picture which shows oneself against some famous local attraction. Imagine oneself in crumpled over-sized baggy T-shirts, creased bermudas and the ever-favourite - sandals. One could only hope that the photographer captures ONLY the face and the rest of the scenery.

But all that pent up stress - when can one take holidays; when can the REST take holidays, how long to go, where to go, how much to pay. Seriously, if travelling alone is not that freaking expensive; I'd just go alone.

I probably will not have much fun this trip - something is telling me that I probably will have to put up with bad tempers, unreasonable demands - even before the trip has started - there's already constant nagging about the adaptor. It goes like this: ' So when are you going to get the adaptor? Where to get it? If dun have, how to charge the digicam, where is it being sold? But I don't even know what it looks like..." the list goes on.

Erm, excuse me - I myself also don't know the answers to ALL these questions. They don't just fall in my lap like ripe durians - I also had to go n search for the exact type, what's needed and ask around to borrow it.

What's worse - it's done in a accusatory tone as if I should be the one settling all of it. In addition to what I have already settled - scoured for various packages, gone down to different agencies to compare packages & prices, settled the deposit and final payment, gone down for the briefing, changed currency, gotten locks for the bags, daily toiletries, etc. What else am I supposed to do; ain't this MY holiday too?

Leaving on a Jet Plane...

It's less than 9 hours to my flight and I have not packed yet.
If only it's a one-way ticket to complete freedom;
If only it's a one-way ticket to absolute happiness;
If only it's a one-way ticket to leave all my troubles behind;
If only...

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Insomnia... Continued

Darn, its now 3.46 am and I am STILL up and fully awake!!! How on earth will I be able to revert to normal sleeping hours in the next 2 weeks? And I didn't even nap this afternoon. And I have a dinner at Sebastien's tmrw evening - will be broke AGAIN, since it's my treat this time.

I want to sleep - I need muscle relaxants...


It's now 3.10 am, and I am still awake - despite the fact that I woke up really early today, managed to swim 30 laps, rushed to town and back to Holland V to play at Settler's, had dinner there, borrowed suitcases from a friend, watched Boston Public and Band of Brothers.

What is wrong with me? I should be soundly asleep now; darn it, my bio clock is all screwed up. It really sucks, especially when I do want to catch up on my sleep before it is all over. Sighz..... :(