Thursday, December 15, 2005


Sianz....sianz... sianz.... sianz...

If you think that this 'word' is what I have been muttering for ages, you are way off the mark - in fact, I am just repeating them verbatim from a conversation (more like a monologue - a monosyllabic monologue, in fact) with an acquaintance last night. (ok, this is back-dated - it was actually a Wednesday - the season finale of the Amazing Race - 14th December, I think).

In case you have been utterly confused by the above seemingly senseless rambling, let me explain. I had just arrived home from dinner at a friend's house. On the way back, I had messaged a friend regarding plans for the weekend and was waiting for his reply. I must have been oblivious to my hp ringing as I did not notice a missed call till a while later. As it was a domestic number on the caller id, I automatically assumed that it was my friend who had returned my call and hence called back immediately, calling out his name when my call was answered.

Instead, it was another friend instead - well, more of an acquaintance really. (If you didn't know it before, I do distinguish between good pals, friends and acquaintances - yeah, I do that!) We haven't spoken for about 1 month or so - the last time we kept in touch was via SMS - it was during my exam period, I think. He had wanted to call me at home later that night, but I was out, would be home late and had to hit the sack early as I was going out early the next morning. So I asked if we could take a raincheck and the MOST unceremonious reply to that was no reply at all. No idea about you all, but to me, that was kinda rude. I mean, it wouldn't die or kill to just say "ok" to that suggestion right?

So, after apologising for calling the wrong person's name, we chatted for a while before I suggested that I'd call from my home to his home instead - my hp bills aren't kinda cheap these days - no idea why. It was sorta a bad timing - cos that was the night of the Amazing Race and I had recorded it on my DVD and it was the season finale - so of cos, I'd be excited to watch it. Not that I meant to be rude - but after asking him about his job search, his current lifestyle and possible employment opportunities - the response to any question related to the above topics was always "SIANZ" with a slight variation in the tone, the extent of despair and boredom associated with it.

Obviously, it wasn't a very intellectually stimulating or entertaining conversation. Erm, did I say conversation? It was more accurately a monologue - a monosyllabic one, in fact. I am serious - really - most of the time, the responses were "SIANZ, SIANZ, SIANZ" and since I had lost most interest in such a boring 'conversation', I duely turned my attention to what deserved it more - the Amazing Race finale!

Apparently, after a while, it was quite obvious that I wasn't really engrossed in the conversation, and I did tell him that I sounded distracted cos I was watching the AMazing Race and it was the FINALE! Then the rest of the conversation was peppered with questions to meet up some day. Unfortunately, it was already near Christmas and that was the time when my schedule was full - it was one of the few times when I could meet up with my friends. So, it was not surprising that I would not be free the rest of that week, nor the next, since I was leaving for Chiangmai. Then he made a sarcastic remark that I was THAT busy. Hey, I am - please, I don't sit around on my butt waiting for some people to finally remember that I'm still around and then they'll call to ask me out. And of course, calling me at 11.30 pm to ask if I would be free the next day - that's ridiculous. It's another matter altogether if it's impromptu and I just happen to be home / free - but unfortunately, that's not the case - so why bother getting huffy and angry over it.

In any case - it was a totally lousy 'conversation' and I sorta wished that he didn't even call. I almost died from an overdosage of 'SIANZ" and frankly speaking, it's not the best word to utter 18 times in a row to anyone, no matter how sympathetic that person is. And truthfully, I am not the most patient of people.

In short - "Ewwwww..."

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Love of My Life...

It was almost not meant to be..

I can't say it was love at first sight..

Hesitation, doubt, uncertainty; they all plagued me every step of the way..

Well-meaning advice from friends, conflicting comments - meant that there was so much internal turmoil on what exactly I should do..

And yet, on impulse, I went ahead with it.

I did give it a second thought - an extremely long one in fact before I decided.

And when I finally did, there was no turning back.

I finally got the love of my life (well, at least at this stage)

*Drum roll*

Let me officially introduce all of you to my brand new JVC DVD recorder with 160 GB hard disk space - ain't it hot or what?!

(love story - one of many - to be continued...)