What's Up
Just realised that it has been really LONG since I have last blogged here - more than 1 month in fact. Can't think of any time in the past whereby I took so long between blog entries. But it is warranted - I mean, I have really been so bogged down with work and assignments that I hardly have enough time to sleep, let alone watch tv OR blog.There were weeks when I virtually lived without the tv - the first thing I do when I wake up or get home is to switch on my laptop - amazing huh? I didn't know it could be worse than doing my thesis a few years back.
Well, don't really wanna whine or complain that much here - one thing my friends and I (in the same boat) have established is that people who are not 'in our circle', so as to speak, do not understand, and most probably will NEVER comprehend what we are going through. Hence, we can only complain to one another and not anyone else. But then again, as we are all THAT busy, the complaining part can only take a short period of time - just to release all that stress and tension and it's back to work AGAIN.
One example of how people outside the circle don't understand (well, maybe my circle specifically states the criteria for membership - IT idiots ONLY) - my fren, no, make it 2 friends, who sorta took a look at what I had to do for an IT module basically just laughed in my face when I lamented about all the deliverables I had to give for it -dreamweaver MX related. Stated that everything can be done in 2 hours maximum - guess what? I took one whole day just to come up with a basic, simple thing and almost tore ALL my hair out in the process.
It's supposed to be a one-week break - but I probably spent more time than ever sitting in front of my laptop than anytime during term time. Oh well, the ONLY consolation is that I finished the major part of my IT project - except for the documentation and stuff.
Ooh..and I watched Snow Wolf Lake - not that fantastic - considering I paid for top-range tickets and got far less than top range seats and the cast wasn't that good - but JACKY CHEUNG rocks - now I know why he is called Heavenly King and he truly deserves that accolade! When he sang, his whole voice just resonates in the WHOLE (half of) the Indoor Stadium! And it just makes me weak in the knees, and weep also. Am actually listening to the soundtrack now and his live performance just beats it hands down. No wonder pple pay that much money just for a musical.
Now, if ONLY Kit Chan and he would perform together again - I'd pay top dollar to watch that one too!