All About the Balancing Act
Sometimes, I'd wish that I could be a professional juggler/ acrobat in a travelling circus - preferably one with lots of cute dogs, smart monkeys and a huggable bear. Then, besides having furry companions, I would also be superb at juggling everything and balancing everything in my life - from porcelain bowls, bowling pins, to my life.
It's not just once that I have had wished for 48 hours in a day - only my day, whereas the rest of the world still gets by with only 24 hours. Then, I'd be able to sleep 12 hours - more than enough, watch tv for at least 6 hours, which leaves me with another 6 hours, which I'd divide between reading (news, books, etc) and going to the gym. But then again, it will have to mean that in this extra 24 hours that I get - I don't put a single morsel of food in my mouth.
I am not kidding - there are just so many things in one's life - not that it's freaking exciting - but rather - things that one would have to consider, think about, study carefully and plan before executing - pretty tough, I'd say.
I have said it before, and I'd repeat myself again - it's tough to be a gal in this world, not least of it, in Singapore - whereby women are supposed to work, bring home the bacon - but MOST men still think that bringing up the kids and doing housework is a female duty as well. And they are supposed to give birth and still work full time to support their families. And they are expected to look good throughout the whole process - if not, their husbands will start straying - and if they are caught - it's all the woman's fault - cos she didn't pay her hubby enough attention (cos she had to focus on her 3 kids who are all in primary school).
And this is a country whereby average looking Joes all expect to get supermodel/ model quality girfriends - and when at class outings, seek out those who had transformed magically into pretty gals and beat their chest for not spotting her potential earlier on in school. The fact that other gals had also 'transformed' is of little significance - they are just not pretty enough. For your info - guys don't even transform at all - they DEGENERATE. ARgkkk , and they expect that they'll get the prettiest gal around. Which part of the whole story doesn't re-affirm the pea-sized brains of specimens of our 'stronger' sex?
I am supposed to be in the prime of my life - whereby I am supposed to really slog my butt out for any minute chance for career advancement in the future. So that means working really hard (not that I don't have to work hard in the first place). Besides that, I am supposed to take care of my health - as they say, "One can afford to die in Singapore, but cannot afford to fall sick" - which I totally agree with. If I have a debilitating disease - or 3rd stage cancer - I'd take all the money I have, well, half of it (I'll leave the other half for my family/ friends) and go to one sunny island in Greece and settle down there and live out the rest of my days (v short) downing wine, sun bathing and enjoying fiestas, as opposed to going to the hospital and having to sit in a wheelchair while people around me give me sorry looks as I get wheeled to get needled stuck in me. Ok - so in a futile attempt to prevent that (cos I don't think I'd save enough to go to Greece in the first place) - it means one has gotta move one's butt more - try to exercise, etc. And that takes TIME!! Considering the fact that I don't have a private gym in my home, or a pool just 2 storeys down - commuting time and finding time to squeeze it in.
Besides that - we are supposed to be in the prime of our life - but physically wise - I'd beg to differ. I am sure all of my friends are complaining about the eye bags, dark eye circles, break outs, lines, etc. I know I sure am. Good skin/ complexion is blessed - unfortunately, I am not the recipient of that. Hence, one has gotta work at it - actually just working doesn't work - money comes into the picture too. Along with it includes the need for skin care products, cosmetic products, facials. While we are the the topic of this - include personal grooming as well - eyebrows, haircuts, and I don't even do manicures/ pedicures. You have ANY idea how big a hole all these can burn in your pocket? And they are a constant need/ requirement. Don't give me BS about how all these are not neccessities.. Show me a girl (who is not blessed with good skin) who does not see the need to do all the above, and DOES not do any of the above and get a guy to admit that she is pretty. It's close to impossible. And throw in the time to schedule all the above, find money to pay for all the above - and you've gotten an empty bank account (albeit a more well-groomed one).
Then people will talk about your need for insurance, what if this, what if that..and one foolishly throws in a huge chunk of one's salary into that. And that will go on for the rest of one's life. Haiz... and then one realises the sad fact that ONLY the rich will be richer, while the poor go about their lives, slogging only to try to make ends meet. Then one has to try to invest - but cannot invest blindly (see point about insurance), so tries to go to SGX website and read up, but cannot make head or tail of anything they are saying - despite a pretty cert that says a degree in Biz - so much for that piece of paper. Then keeps telling friends that one needs to read up and invest, read up and invest, read up and invest. Then realises that one does not even have the min. amount to buy a single lot. And so the vicious cycle goes on...
How freaking depressing...
I wanna be a professional acrobat/ juggler. Any tutors our there?
Happy Couple
I so miss Alex & Lynn (I hope I got their names right) in the Amazing Race. It's really sad to see them eliminated. Not that I have anything agst gay couples - on the contrary, I think they are so freaking adorable. No one gets into a fighting/ bitching/ screaming/ cursing match with the other party (unlike all our normal couples out there - with the exception of the much hated Rob-Amber team who seemed to have done enough cursing (silent) during their stint in Survivor.) And the plumper, also more gay one is so sweet - forever encouraging his partner and being cheerful and so sweet! I seriously miss them - we should have more pple like this in the world.
That would sure curb the population 'explosion' problem...
4 Months... And the World Has Changed...
Met my uni frens just now over dinner - yup, on a Sunday night. No one can ever make it on a weekday night, and Saturdays are just too precious. It was good (besides that fact that I could not finish my lesson plans before I left the house - which meant that I have gotta rush it now), it was a good time to be out - especially in Millenia Walk whereby it's almost totally deserted and we did not have to squeeze with the rest of Singapore.
It has been 4 months since we last met - for me, I think it's longer. I was so freaking depressed after leaving my previous job that I think I tried not to meet any of the outside world. Despite having put on weight now, as compared to the last time I met them - I was still quite excited to go. And almost all of us made it - except for one who is in China, and another who had tickets to the Sound of Music tonight.
It's only been about 4 months, but things really have changed. One friend, who got her job about the same time as I got my previous job, has tendered her resignation and is currently serving her notice. Her new job meant an increment in basic pay of about a few hundred bucks and she is looking at commission of much more than that - PER MONTH. WOah..and she still gets to travel - a LOT, in the Asia Pacific region. Cool... Super cool... some part of me might be envious, but its ok, I am pretty happy where I am right now. So, the fact that I think the other side's pasture is greener, the feeling isn't so overwhelming that I am filled with self-pity for myself or lamenting about lost chances.
Another has just changed her job - been there about 2 months, one is gonna leave her company soon, and accompany her bf to the States whereby he has been posted for 2 years (she'll stay for about 1/2 year). One has just gotten a transfer 2 months ago and will be doing 2 product launches soon before she starts seeking greener pastures while another is going on a trip to Taiwan for 10 days...and last but not least - one of them is getting married this June.
It's amazing how much the world has changed, or at least how much my friends' lifes have changed. Perhaps its cos we have not been updating each other with the latest news - which is why every gathering is such a flurry of news exchanging and everyone going - "Really??!!"
But it was good, we are in every industry and line possible - education, medical, insurance, automobile, telco, conferences, banking, etc... it's hard to imagine that we were ever in the same faculty before. And guess what, I'm pretty happy where I am - so I suppose that this IS the right path for me. I do think that the ultimate measure of one's happiness is to compare where one is with one's peers and just exchange updates about each other's life. And if one is quite happy about where one is, without the extremely envious looks and sighs - one is on the right track. I think I am...
Weekend - Over Before It Even Started...
Weekend, what is that? Actually, the respite of 2 days does serve as a great break for many of my other friends and ex-classmates, allowing them to seek rejuvenation, sales, great buys and plenty of rest before the work week officially starts again.
Unfortunately, for myself, before one can say the word 'weekend', it is already over - gone in a flash. This, despite the fact that I am supposed to be working 5-day work week. The truth is, it never ever happens. I have been going back to work every Saturday morning - today, I stayed till 2 pm and there were still tons of things left to be done. I seriously have NO idea how I am going to face work on Monday. I suppose that there are people who can get everything done - e.g. my colleague - she works so hard, she is sick, but still dragging herself to work - she is there Monday to Fridays from 6.45 am to 7.45 pm. She is there on Saturday from 7.30 am to 2 pm and she is in front of her laptop at home, doing her work, preparing, for the whole of Sunday.
Perhaps you might say - I am not competent enough, not efficient enough, etc etc etc, but I am not the only one who is going back on weekends. And I still strongly feel that I need to lead a separate life from the one that revolves around books only. I am already not exercising as much as I should (who does anyway - but I barely exercise at all). I have NOT watched a single movie since eons - CNY? I haven't cleared & cleaned the mess my room is in for ages as well. And I apparently already lead a much more exciting life than my other colleagues. At least I managed to catch a dance performance last Sat, tried to play tennis last Sun evening and am scheduled for a hill climbing outing this Sun morning.
But this is already at the expense of my life, my rest time, etc. I am already feeling the toil on my body - it's been aching non-stop, I don't get enough sleep, I don't have enough time to do my own personal stuff - check insurance, pay card bills, file income tax, etc. I don't even have time to rot or watch my tv programmes. I truly believe that one needs to rot for a certain number of hours everyday, in order for the brain and body to self-rejuvenate. Perhaps I should move to either Greece or Mexico - I believe they call it siesta - but being a non-napper, I don't think I'll be able to fall asleep in the middle of the day - I just get super tired.
Now, I am sitting among my piles of paper, files, etc - thinking about when I could squeeze in preparing my stuff for next week. Every Sunday is really a torture - the agony sets in way before work week starts on Monday. It's horrible - and the trip to the office on Saturday sort of ends in the afternoon, which means I only have Sat evening to rest, recover, and not to mention - do all the work I am supposed to (since I am out on Sunday). But somehow, I end up procrastinating... and nothing gets done.
Weekend - what weekend? Sighz....