Run for Cover!!!
Run for cover! Duck!
Kaplutz, too late; you've been hit, or rather, I have been hit.
That sounds more like a scene out of "Saving Private Ryan", or "Starship Troopers" or worse - one of the World Wars..but unfortunately, it refers to my current situation of being hit by red bombs - aka - wedding invites.
Yikes - if I had my way, I wouldn't touch those things even with a 5-foot long pole. Unfortunately, I seemed to have arrived at an age whereby everybody left and right is getting married. Apparently, this seems to be the right auspicious season too!
I am not imagining things - really - been hit twice by colleagues at work already. And before I know it, "Boom!" another one from a JC classmate... and then again - heard of another one from a hall mate...and guess what - my cousin is getting married too! That makes it a grand total of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5! FIVE! 5! FIVE! Oh my goodness, it doesn't rain, it pours!
Nevermind Geri Halliwell's version of "It's Raining Men!", how about my version of "It's raining red bombs", nvm if it doesn't seem to rhyme, or sound remotely accurate. Wedding dinners, or more accurately, traditional chinese wedding dinners are ONLY fun when you are still a kid, keep in touch with your cousins, and the older male cousin whom you are seated across the table is the one whom you just had a fist fight with a week earlier over Playstation. You don't really know what it is about, just that it means you get to play with cousins whom you have seen and not seen in the past 1 month, get to feast on 8 courses and more - happily sit at your table while your mum gets food for you, and run about in the huge restaurant or hotel ballroom, shrieking and chasing after one another.
As you get older, it inevitably degenerates into one where everyone faces each other with awkward silence - well, at least people of your same generation feel that, while the older generation laugh and catch up over trivial matters. You know not what to wear, you know not who on earth will be there, and you have absolutely NO idea what to talk about. It's always the usual - so where are you working now, when are you getting married, etc, etc - the most irksome scenario at relatives' wedding dinners. ARgkkkk....
Well, not all wedding dinners are THAT dreadful, but I suppose they just vary in that aspect. Hmm, somehow, getting to develop a fear of such red bombs...
Argkk, do I spot one coming my way???
What Singapore Girls Should Be Like...
Read a letter to the Forum last weekend - Saturday/ Sunday, whereby this person stated that Singaporean girls are too demanding, have too high expectations of their other half such that Singaporean men - in their twenties are going to Batam for sex, whereas those in their 30s are going to Vietnam and other neighbouring countries to get wives...
Erm, what about Singaporean girls? All become lesbians, or undergo sex change operations?
She also cited that the Malaysian girls she know (some of whom have studied in Singapore), are no less competent at their jobs, but when it comes to their significant others - boyfriends, husbands, etc... they are usually less 'quarrelsome' and usually pander to their other halves' needs and preferences. Erm, does that include prawn peeling?
So, the solution the reader/ writer provided is that Singaporean girls have gotta learn to be more gentle, to know how to be demure and cater to their other halves' needs, learn to be more attentive, less quarrelsome, such that the Singaporean guys, especially the eligible ones won't have to resort to getting wives and girlfriends from other countries (just because they cannot live up to Singaporean ger's expectations, or that they just cannot stand SG gers in general - too high-maintenance, too materialistic, too high qualifications, always complain too much, the list goes on).
I was momentarily dumb-founded. I mean, don't we have it hard? On one hand - you have the SG govt advocating equality for all - including education and job opportunities for both sexes (ok, so now we know that there is no equality in job opportunities for women). But when you have majority of them studying in Universities and polytechnics, these women would also want to have jobs, careers that propel them in the working world where they are equipped with the good sense and power to make decisions. And they are exposed to the world, beyond Singapore's shores...
But on the other hand .... they have to LEARN how to be demure, to pander to the SGs' guys' needs and wants all the time, to 'serve' them well? All this just to make sure that they get married? Because the number of single people is truly worrying the govt...and as there are more gers than guys in SG - (without the latter already going to other countries to 'order' brides), a SG ger will have to do all that, to make sure that they get hitched.
Is that truly the case? Have we degenerated to such a pathetic state?
It is really a sorry state we are in. See, ain't it hard to be a Singaporean ger?
Nothing in Particular...
Finally managed to move my creaking bones today; after my hall friend asked me to play a game of badminton/ tennis with her and some mutual friends. Eventually settled for badminton instead (mostly due to the fact that though I have had a tennis racket for close to 6 years, it is used more as a decorative prop than serving it's main purpose - to hit tennis balls). Yup, I have 3 left feet and 1 left hand when it comes to playing tennis - do include a tennis elbow too. (No idea what it really means, but it probably hampers one in the process of trying to play tennis, and since having me on a tennis court more or else equals that, thought I'd throw that in to give a more accurate description of me [totally hapless & freaking pathetic] on a tennis court).
Anyway, after close to 1.5 years, or make it 2 years of not having engaged in any form of sports at all (my badminton racket has been sitting in its cover, doing nothing but gather dust) - I have only 1 thing to say - I totally suck at badminton. And this is the ONLY sport that I am even remotely good at. No, correction, make that the only sport that I USED to be remotely good at.
Not to talk about stamina - I was panting like crazy after less than 10 min of shuttling with my friend. I think I probably spent more time on the bench than on the court itself...and as there were only 2 of us, majority of the minutes I spent on the court were unwilling ones - especially since I had managed to get a huge blister on my right thumb in less than 20 minutes. Haha, just thinking about it cracks me up. Yeah, I can laugh at myself at times...
But my friend was totally understanding, obliged my pathetic lack of stamina and poor strokes and my frequent requests to take a break. Haha... thanks, dearie...and guess what, I had fun! Eventually went to walk around the Clementi area - NTUC, Bata, etc... caught up with each other over fast food. There is nothing I missed more than hall life now. The good old days... Sure miss them lots...
Somehow it just sucks being an adult...or at least having the responsibilities of one...
Fine, I am officially UNEMPLOYED!
For those people whom I have tried so hard to refrain from writing this on my blog - there you go. Happy now? And yes, much to your disgust, disappointment and horror, I am going to teach. So there! Ostracize me, criticise me, roll your eyes skywards and shake your head at me, point an accusing finger at me, talk about me in the most derogatory terms possible if it does make you feel better. Go ahead and say "It is just not right, I am so disgusted with you". Oh, no - you don't even need to say that aloud, just that pause, that accusing look does it all. If all does not help - screw it.
Oh gawd, I am so freaking tired out from trying to 'hide'/ conceal my current state of affairs.
Do you know how frustratingly hard it has been these days? I can't say anything without 'betraying' anything. I cannot engage in conversations with anyone these days because I can't lie convincingly - and I cannot claim to still be working. I am even afraid to meet up with people; not even those whom I am close to, because you never know who else might hear about it. But so what? The news still spread? People whom I'd rather tell the news personally have already heard about it.
I even have second thoughts about going on trips with a whole bunch of friends, cos that topic of "what are you doing now?" invariably pops up and what can I say? Except for a few friends whom I have had no choice but to reveal, there is no one whom I can talk to. Except for seeking solace in these few people, being able to talk freely without the need to cover my tracks - there is nothing else I can do. Can you believe it - I live out everyday with the dread that I cannot let my 'friends' know my situation. I seem to be imprisioned in the shadows - I cannot talk freely, I cannot not lie. Gawd, I am so sick of unsolicited public opinions of what I do, what I should and shouldn't have done. It's crazy and it's so hard.
And yes, I am sick - psycho, or whatever you deem fit to call me - physically - been so for the past whole week. And I do dare say that this has got something to do with it. If you get offended, insulted, disgusted, inflamed or whatever by this entry - so be it. Guess what? I don't want to care anymore, screw it...
Money or Convenience?
Just read a friend's blog (well, make that 2 days ago, but didn't have the time to blog about it) and realised that I am such a spendthrift. Well, friends have been telling me that...that they are also amazed at how much money I spend...
Sometimes I wonder if my bank account actually 'deteriorates' as a result of my working (and supposedly earning money...and I tutor somemore!) And sometimes, I think, most people only hang onto their day job once they are out in the working world - I mean, it's more than enough to keep one busy, and one already doesn't have much of a social life.
But it really dawned on me that I have been practically throwing money away - I take cabs like at least 3 times a week (and each time it's a minimum of $12 bucks)... and there are times when I take cabs up to 5 times a week - just for the sake of convenience, time and due to the fact that I was darn tired then. And the worst thing is that - once you get used to such luxuries and conveniences, you are somehow blinded to the fact that they cost so much, and you just hop into another cab without a second thought! That's is freaking scary...something like addiction?
And transportation ranks so high on my expenses - I spent about $200 bucks on that alone in the month of September - and that's without going anywhere (besides work and home). Oh my... it sure adds up to a lot! And I could have gotten a book or a CD 2 trips on a cab!! haha, yup, that's how I measure them - in terms of books or CDS... I could have bought so many more books and CDs....but then again, it might just make splurging on that my next fatal addiction.
Life's hard man...., or at least not that easy...
6 Feet Under
Had so many thoughts in my mind this weekend, almost everything that I saw, read or heard seemed to be pointing me in one direction. Thought abit about it and wanted to blog...but guess what, my laptop's buried 6 Feet Under... (well, under piles of documents, unpaid bills and wires), so couldn't access it the whole weekend (and the few days before that)...
Hey, I nvr claimed to be an extremely neat person..
And now that I have finally managed to unearth my laptop from the evil clutches of those bills and paper...I realise that I don't have time..haha...well, probably cos whatever's evolved from those few sentences seemed to have accumulated and grown to out of proportions... that it's unmanageable.
Probably gotta take some time to piece my thoughts together...sit down for like 1 hour or 2...and then write it all down (hopefully in a coherent way).
Stay tuned..., on 2nd thoughts, don't bother.
You never know if you'd be offended by what I might blog let's just forget about this whole thing. Hence is thy disclaimer, so if you still wanna read, read it and get pissed off - hey, you asked for it!
Millionaire Mega-Platinum
Millionaire Mega-Platinum!
Yes, that is what I am...or rather, the type of account I have!
Finally, I am rich, super, duper freaking rich!
In my dreams, or more accurately speaking, in my Neopets world..and the money theoretically belongs to my 2 Neopets. And it's not even SGD dollars...not even Japanese Yen...It's in NP - Neo Points?? Haiz, not even cents...[come to think of it, I don't even think I have that many cents in my name...:( - Life's so unfair...]
Yes, you must be thinking - "What is a loser like you doing, playing with Neopets?"
Don't blame me, blame it on my hall friend who had the 'decency' to introduce it to me when I was super darn bored in hall that there was nothing better to do, then to get Neopets (and that was WAY after they were no longer the 'in' thing...) Pathetic huh?
It gets worse....I got one Neopet, and thinking that somehow my request for a Neopet didn't go through successfully to the Neopet Faerie - that's how they spell Faerie...I requested for ANOTHER one..and lord behold, I got 'blessed' with 2 , yes, 2 freaking Neopets.
To commerate my friend, I named both my Neopets variants of him...haha...
It gets 'better' - Neopets (if you are also one of those people who play them...and HAVE A HEART), don't die...they are merely starving or dying..but No, they NEVER, EVER die... (which is a double-edged sword, depending on how you see it).
It is good, if you are a heartless creep and don't feed them ,because technically, they cannot die, the worst state they can be in is just 'Dying' and they can be 'Dying' for eons... So, theoretically speaking, you are not a murderer and cannot be convicted for torturing your pets.
But if you are a super duper responsible person like YOURS TRULY... then it just means that I gotta earn Neo buy food to feed them, so that they are not starving, OR Dying...haiz...nvm that they are virtual pets..they are still pets and yours truly is just way TOO responsible...(wrong type of responsibility if you'd ask me) let them starve to death... means I spend my time playing dumb games, earning NPs to buy food to feed the literally immortal pets that I have. Hey, they might even outlive me... 'MIGHT?', it's most definitely confirmed...
Oh well, at least I am a millionaire in Neopets Land...or whatever it's called...
Some sort of consolation....
How pathetic....
It's 12.30 am and I am sitting here, staring at my laptop, when I have work tmrw...
If this is not madness, I don't know what is...
Aching Body
How I wish the circumstance I am in above, is a result of pushing/ dragging my body through some physical torture (no matter how short-lived) - exercise.
Unfortunately, deep in my heart, I am still a bummer, couch-potato [(po-tay-to/ po-tah-to), whatever you may wish to call it - it's still kan tang to me...] and am slightly shame-faced in confessing that my dire straits is a result of me being struck by a virus (yup, circuit board all gone, mother board also burnt...hmm, tech talk, you see - I am brain-damaged already!!!)
Well, it's the flu, viral flu, actually...I still have NO idea whether it is correctly spelt as virAL or virUl!, Hmm, the word originated from the word virUs, so by right it should be spelt virUl, but somehow that bears a disturbing resemblence to the word see how being struck down by this bug/ virus has totally screwed my thought process, my train of thoughts just ended up derailing and crashing into some tree. a state of delirium, and may I also add - sucks to be ill.
The ONLY redeeming factor I can even try to think of is that I don't have to be in office! Yippee! Really, the atmosphere in office is so tense and 'combustible' (if such a word can be used in this context) - all thanks to my colleauge...haiz, who has managed to offend almost EVERYONE on both levels of the office - no amazing feat. The only person who has managed to win him is my ex-manager (whom, according to my MIS manager & HR manager, managed to offend EVERYONE within a short span of 6 weeks of joining the company).
Back to my aching body feels like my whole body is rickety, on the verge of falling apart and is just held together by something as fine as dental floss- mint-flavoured..(hehe, I like mint, hence that choice of flavour).
Oh man, I am so bored....but senseless rambling sure beats sitting in office... :)
Parents....Dumb, disillusioned parents...
This article appeared in the ST forum the Why This Why That Section...
The Primary School Leaving Examination is over but I doubt many students are overjoyed. My heart sank when my daughter returned home after the science paper with tears in her eyes. There were too many lengthy thinking-skills questions. Some students were unable to complete the paper.If pupils from a high-ability group struggled with the science paper, what about the average and above-average ones? Why is the science paper so difficult this year?
Reading the above article in the forum (on Tuesday) just made me boiling mad…well, but since I have decided that it was not worth my time getting so worked up over such things that do not really concern me; let’s just say that I was simmering with anger & disgust.
First…this ‘complaint’ appeared in the “Why this Why that?” section of the ST.
I mean, who the hell are you to ask, “How come the science paper is so bloody difficult this year?” My first reaction was “HUH?” What type of enquiry is this?
My instinctive reaction to such a dumb & senseless complaint – What makes you think that your daughter is from a high-ability group? How come there are only average and above-average pupils; what about those who are below average? Aren’t you too pompous already?
Also, Science is a thinking-skills subject. You have to understand the theory & concept behind it and apply it. If one can memorize all the facts inside, you’ll just be rote learning, and whatever happened to creative learning, understanding the topic, etc? Hence, it is meant to HAVE many thinking-skills questions!
Furthermore, if everything is very easy, then how can the exam differentiate between those who are have merely succeeded in memorizing their textbook and notes, and those who really do understand the concepts and can apply them? And even IF the time line is too short, then it will credit those who can BOTH think and write fast! Aduh, as mentioned – “Some students were unable to complete the paper” – notice the usage of the word – “Some”?
According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, it is defined as follows:
“Some - one indeterminate quantity, portion, or number as distinguished from the rest”
Which means that there were OTHER students who were able to complete the paper on time, correctly some more! So, what it goes to show is that our dear worried, over-protective mother’s precious daughter, who supposedly belongs to the ELITE group/ HIGHLY INTELLIGENT group, has fallen from her mother’s pedestal – and has now been banished to the “average/ above average group” of students.
So, my point is – see, the very difficult science paper IS effective in distinguishing between the really highly intelligent ones and those who are just experts at memorizing. This mother is just pissed off because she is indignant that her supposedly extremely intelligent and gifted daughter, please note that I used the word supposedly, did not manage to ‘perform’.
Freaking bloody complaints!!! from equally silly, senseless parents who don't know any better...
Complain Queen
Emailed this to my JC classmates before..but since got pple complain that I have not been blogging of late, here is something to whet your appetite first...
No offence, but it is certainly amazing to see how far Singaporeans go to complain and how ridiculous their claims are. I mean, I lay claim to the title " Complain Queen" but at least I know the difference between plain stupidity and a real case...let me cite you this 'interesting' correspondence I receive, as part of my work... and my accompanying reply (well, at least that is what I FELT like saying/ replying, but professionalism dictated that I kept my thoughts to myself...)
I have always been a satisfied customer of (company name) but I cannot say the same of the latest model, etc... My face was deeply cut and scarred by the sharp jagged pointed edge of the door (driver's side) as i opened it.
ADUH, look where you are going, and what you are doing; what are your eyes placed in that strategic position -so that one can see what one is doing mah.. BLIND BAT
It constitutes poor design and violates the law on product safety.
Excuse me...since when is there a law on product safety that embraces idiocy? Pls enlighten me.....
I am absolutely distressed as my face has been permanently scarred.
Well, it's life - you get scars, live with it. And it's not like you depended on your looks in the first place to earn a living...
I have the evidence(the car door and the scar)
Good for you...yeah, at least we cannot cite the lack of evidence...did you take pictures of it, cos you know, scars will heal over time, right???
and i shall be seeking legal advice as one of my alternatives to redress my pain. that, if you want, I can always recommend some lawyers to you; I think I know 2...but if you want to 'redress' your pain - why don't you OD on panadol instead?
Bloody Freaking Stupid I have always mentioned - he bringsthe meaning of idiocy to new heights....
Hmm, remember this as the title of a nice song from some country group or whatever - one hit single?
But it sure does reflect the state I am in right now.
Realised that when one is in an environment where one's brain cells are not challenged, and manages to slip into some form of comfort level (meaning - no need to work..., or rather, do real work), it is amazing what one's imagination can conjure up and the kind of things that get to you.
Have been having a co-worker complaining to me abt some minor trivial thing for the past 30 minutes via MSN.
*Tears hair out* - am sure you can imagine how frustrating it is..especially when the "things to do" stack is piling up ...
Only in a desperate bid NOT to be mean, am I refraining from elaborating on the whole petty, minute situation here...
Not worth my time...that's it.
Just wanted to state - "How Amazing...."
it's been 45 min and she is still going ON and ON and ON...and despite my attempts to be polite - meaning, slow responses....the complaints just keep coming in...oh dear...sure is a good test of my tolerance..
Hmm, remember this as the title of a nice song from some country group or whatever - one hit single?
But it sure does reflect the state I am in right now.
Realised that when one is in an environment where one's brain cells are not challenged, and manages to slip into some form of comfort level (meaning - no need to work..., or rather, do real work), it is amazing what one's imagination can conjure up and the kind of things that get to you.
Have been having a co-worker complaining to me abt some minor trivial thing for the past 30 minutes via MSN.
*Tears hair out* - am sure you can imagine how frustrating it is..especially when the "things to do" stack is piling up ...
Only in a desperate bid NOT to be mean, am I refraining from elaborating on the whole petty, minute situation here...
Not worth my time...that's it.
Just wanted to state - "How Amazing...."
it's been 45 min and she is still going ON and ON and ON...and despite my attempts to be polite - meaning, slow responses....the complaints just keep coming in...oh dear...sure is a good test of my tolerance..