Busy Bee
Yup, as busy as a bee, and I don;t even like the public holidays; totally disrupting my work and freakin loads of people are ALL going on leave, which means they take like ages to get back to me regarding certain things and information.
If only I can camp in my office overnight and stuff, then i'll probably save a lot of time and money on commuting..or rather, the need not to....hmmm
A Hobblin' Joke
Yup, that is what I am now...
Got 2 huge bandages - one on my right knee and the other around my left foot. What luck....
Went jogging on Friday evening; since I thought, hey, I won't be able to get up that early on Saturday morning, might as well get it done and over with...and decided to go a bit longer than usual, along the normal route, when I didn't see the stupid shallow hole right in the middle of the path, (yup, looking at my watch to see how much time had passed) stepped on the side of the bloody hole, twisted my left ankle and landed my right knee on the path....ARGKKKKKK....PAIN!!
Had to hobble home, gritting my teeth in pain that evening, the blood sure flowed profusely, even my shoes were stained with blood. And the worse thing is, I couldn't go town & catch the movie (and it was supposed to be my first night out in 3 whole weeks) ... *speechless*
and the wound won't stop bleeding, even till the next morning, whereas my left ankle swelled up to twice the size of the right one...had to go to the doctor...where, I was given 2 bandages, tons of medication and a tetanus shot. Woah, I nvr knew it was that serious...not to mention 2 days MC, which, didn't really matter since I still had to go back to office on a Saturday (though I work a 5-day week) to do work.
So, still hobbling now...:(
Insomniac Hermit
Can't sleep well for the whole week already.
Been very tired; hitting the bed at 10-11 pm, but somehow, I either wake up early the next morning, say 5 am and lay awake in my bed till it is time to get up and go to work. Or, the other alternative, which is worse. - I was awakened at 2 am last night by a night mare about work (and I hardly ever dream). Lay in bed thinking about what I had to do, or what's left to be done, while willing myself to sleep. Finally sat up in bed and wrote down a list of things to do today at work. Still couldn't sleep, had to forage for food, water and even tried reading. Didn't work. Was actually thinking, if only there was transportation to my work place there and then, I would have gone to the office.
3.30 am, still awake...
4.00 am - gosh, it's been 2 hours already??
4.28 am - Will I ever fall asleep?
Finally managed to conk out at 5 am.
And it's not that I don't need the extra hours; I do - which is why I collapse into bed before 11 pm these nights.
Then I had another nightmare....Argkkkkk...
This cannot go on, I'll probably die from the lack of sleep rather than anything else first. Spare muscle relaxants, anyone??
Gotta go back to office on Saturday to do work.... kinda hoping that I can camp in office; then don't have to spend time travelling. Then when I awake at 2 in the morning, I can still switch on the PC and do work till 5 am.
My boss is a meanie!! Damn big meanie!
Totally incompetent, I have NOTHING more to say, former Admin officers...EEwwww
totally makes it suck...
Horrible day
Still at work now, can one imagine?
Neither can i... :(