The Pursuit of Happyness
Watched this film - The Pursuit of Happyness... starring Will Smith and his own son. It's an autobiographical depiction of some Chris Gardner's struggle against all odds when he first made the foray into stockbrokering (an internship that won't pay a single cent).And it was painful - really - I felt the pain for him.One quote that struck me - "Maybe happiness is something that we can only pursue. And maybe we can actually never have it no matter what."But somehow, I beg to differ. Happiness is something that we all have to pursue and work hard for - that I couldn't agree more. But one can actually have happiness.Coming from a super-jaded person like me, that's hellavu lot that I am saying and conceding...
The past week of holidays for me, I have mostly been in a state of happiness.
Truely, I felt happy, bliss and contentment - which is something that doesn't come round very often.
And the thing is, it did not matter what we were doing - be it dining at the Botanic Gardens or at Tiong Bahru food centre, watching movies or just walking around in malls... I just felt... happy...
And it's a really wonderful feeling.
Thank you...
What's My Seduction Style?

What's My Seduction Style?

Same Problem - Different Solutions
When I first heard the news that they (the govt) would be reviewing the civil service pay structure - I went "WOah hoo! FINALLY". But then again, the focus shifted when I read the final words... and that's when realisation sinks in - they are gonna increase the pay for the ministers.
Usually not a fan of local politics (typical Singaporean behaviour), I try to steer clear of whatever the Govt is doing; what's the point of analysing every single bit of it, only to have others point a finger at you and charging you with the ISA; or be labelled a SINGAPOREAN WHINER? It's really hard to strike a balance. The trick, I've learnt, is to comment on things that does not benefit you, but benefit some big honchos.
So what prompted me to write this post then? I do not claim to speak for the man on the street (hey, I can't even do that, cos politically speaking - I am one of the supposedly weaker sex), but I just want to share what's been going on in my head after (limited) exposure to the related news, as well as point out the IRONY (?) that has been bugging me.
It was only earlier this morning that I read from the Straits Times this... "Mexico's new president has announced a 10% pay cut for himself, his cabinet and high-ranking government officials as part of an austerity package. " (got this quote from the BBC though). Apparently, just after the elections, Mexican president Felipe Calderon has already decided to start getting his country's economy in shape by leading by example - a pay cut.
He stated that this would save the govt abt US$2.3 billion next year, or the equivalent of the money needed to build 2500 schools in the country. The savings would also allow the govt to step up anti-poverty programmes and make education and health services more accesible to the poor.
Please correct me if I am wrong, or have misunderstood what is in the news so far.
Similarities between the 2 situations (in Mexico & Sg - besides the obvious)
1. We need anti-poverty programmes (ain't that what the Workfare Plan is all about, or the increment of GST to 7% - the Govt has always claimed that we needed to increase the GST to fund all these social safety nets)
2. We need to focus on education, health services, make it more affordable, etc. I am not so sure abt schools per se, but I am sure there are plenty of schools out there would be more than happy with some much needed grants to set up some programmes for their pupils.
Then why is it that we are using completely different methods to resolve the problem? Let me show you the differences.
1a. The Mexican president has announced pay cuts for himself, his ministers and other top officials. READ - this means that other lowly paid civil servants (like my Mexican counterparts) would not be affected.
1b. Whereas our own Govt has stated that the civil service pay structure would be under review - READ - pay increment for everyone, including the top ministers - which got everyone riled up.
2a. The pay cuts of the top officials in Mexico would go towards funding anti-poverty programmes.
2b. We have to fund our anti-poverty programmes from GST (which comes from the POOR as well).
Fine, you can go on and on and on about how things are different; how many people are living below the poverty line in Mexico, how the whole cultural thing is different, etc etc. But then if things are so different; how come economics can cross borders?
The way I look at it, there is a very simple solution, which will make most people happy. (Note that I didn't say 'EVERYONE' cos this is NOT Utopia). But then, since we are a democracy - what matters is the approval of MOST pple right?
Let me prove that you can have your cake and eat it too ...
1. Have the whole Cabinet and top officials cut their pay by 10%.
From what we know - we are paying top dollar for our 'elite' ministers - they earn much more than their American or Chinese counterparts. And going by that logic, if doing that can save the Mexican govt US$2.3 billion (imagine how much it would save for us?!)
2. This HUMONGOUS amt of money can then be used to place the social safety nets and anti-poverty programs in Sg - and there is no need to raise GST to 7%!
3. The extra money can be used to employ more TA - teacher assistants (which would make the teachers happier and reduce the attrition rate, and ultimately, reduce their enrolment in IMH - Institute of Mental Health).
Tadah - ain't that a great solution?
Results: -
1. GST remains at 5% (everyone who has to pay GST is happy - that's like EVERYONE in SG right?)
2. Social safety nets and anti-poverty programs are still put in place (yeah - we try to bridge the income gap)
3. Extra money to hire TAs to reduce attrition rate and admittance rate at IMH - see, we focus on education AND healthcare (mental healthcare somemore...)
4. Top officials do not get pay rise, but gets pay cut instead (but since they form like less than 500 people, and we assume that everyone has 4 other family members - the total number of people negatively affected by this news will only be 2500) [their maids and chauffeurs don't count; cos even if their employers get a pay rise; they don't get one either]
And since these people are already earning more than $5000 per month, I am sure we won't hear of any of them going to the MRT station and having an accident.
And the best thing! Most people would be happy with this plan - that puts us in the running for being a REAL democracy.
If I, a mere non-Ivy league mortal, can think of this, I'm sure the elite brains up there can too! Then why aren't they doing it? Maybe they should just hire ME ... see, I provide the perfect solution. (Granted; I can't please everyone, but hey, I managed to please 4 million - 2500 people; it's a HUGE feat, ok?)
And the last part of the irony is - they revealed that the retiring (retired by now ) Labour chief 'led by example' as he hands over the baton. Erm, you call that leading by example? I don't see anyone in that position volunteering for a paycut to fund anti-poverty programs. Granted , I don't know how it works in Mexico - but what the new president is doing IS what is more universally recognised as "LEADING BY EXAMPLE"...
James Wong Quitting ...
Remembered that I read in the papers somewhere that James Wong ( a gold medalist for Singapore in many SEA Games) is quitting this year and not taking part in the Asian Games (or is it the next round?).
What surprised me was the big hoo-ha and the reaction of all the people with stakes in his career. Apparently, there was quite a bit of name-calling and people using the guilt factor to try to get him to stay, stating that he can still contribute to Singapore and that he has a very good chance and he should not let the country down.
This despite James Wong stating very clearly that he felt that he has already done his best for Singapore, and that he would like to focus on other things - such as his family, etc.
MY reaction? DUDES! It's his choice - he has already stated that he cannot give anymore - and we all know how it works - people, sportsmen especially, do their best when they want to and they strive for it. What's the point of holding him back, using emotional blackmail, playing the guilt trap just so that he can win 1 or 2 more gold medals for us at the next SEA games? This guy has contributed almost 20 years to the local athletic scene and how that he wants to retire while he is still in top form, you forbid him to do so; using such underhand tactics?
Man... I am so disgusted.
Anyway, James - all the best to you and your future endeavours!
It used to be that I'd blog about anything and everything here - well, that was eons ago. For those who have occasionally read my blog would attest to that. Nowadays, the entries are far and few in between.
I blame it on my hectic and busy lifestyle... and the alarming indifference I now have, as well as laziness on my part. Things stil irk me; many things in fact; and I get riled up by other stuff too. However, its just that whenever I get to the PC, whatever feelings or pent up emotions regarding these issues that I have had inside me, have either evaporated or just given way to other more mindless, important stuff (READ - WORK).
So I told myself that I just had to log in here and blog about somethings. I am sure that something that I had seen or watched on TV did irk me, or something I read in the papers. But somehow, my goldfish memory seemed to have failed me. (Is it age or stress? I used to have near photographic memory; but now it's really failing me).
So many things to do, yet the inertia to get up and start work is so strong. Sighz, I suppose once one has gotten into a state of rest, one just does not feel like moving again. The Comfort Zone, as other pple call it.
What Tarot Card Are You?

You are The
Happiness, Content, Joy.
The meanings for the Sun are
fairly simple and consistent.
Young, healthy, new, fresh. The
brain is working, things that were muddled come clear, everything falls
into place, and everything seems to go your way.
The Sun is ruled by the Sun, of course.
This is the light that comes after the long dark night, Apollo to
the Moon's Diana. A positive card, it promises you your day in
the sun.
Glory, gain, triumph, pleasure, truth, success. As the moon
symbolized inspiration from the unconscious, from dreams, this card symbolizes discoveries made fully consciousness and wide awake.
You have an understanding and enjoyment of science and math, beautifully
constructed music, carefully reasoned philosophy. It is a card of intellect, clarity of mind, and feelings of youthful energy.
A Sneak Preview?
I know it has been eons...and it is way overdue...but hey, better late then never, right? Don't ask me why I took this particular shot; I like to take pictures that are something there, but somehow, they never turn out pretty, or even remotely decent. This is the ONLY one that could pass muster...

I think I was trying to take a picture of it WITHOUT the tourists, but those people just lingered there and refused to move...sighz...
The one below shows one of the spires from one of the buildings surrounding the Emerald Buddha located near the Grand Palace.
Just love the contrast between the gleaming golden spire...and the azure blue sky.
Somehow, the blueness of the sky there is just so different - so much more intense...or could it be due to the pollution, or the fact that it was a SWELTERING hot day?

A shot of the Grand Palace, taken through a 'frame' made by the well-manicured branches and trees that dot the palace grounds.
It's a rough shot, I'd admit, and even seems slightly off balance, but I like that the incredibly ROUND tufts of leaves were framing the picture - interesting twist..

Sorry, have never been one who is patient uploading pictures and explaining them.
That's gonna be all for now...
I Miss...
I miss being able to breathe in fresh, cool air when I jog (which is once in a blue moon)...
I miss vegging out in front of tv after work, and not having to worry about my never-ending "Things to do" lists...
I miss my discipline and determination to jog at least 2 km everyday... (yes, it has been 5 years)
I miss my first pet hamster - Ham Ham (cheesy name, I know, but hey, she responded to it)
I miss waking up late and being able to call in sick...
I miss my weekends when I could just wander around aimlessly ...
I miss reading the Sunday Times from page to page...
I miss watching my favourite shows on TV (when they are showing; now I just use my DVR to save time by skipping all the commercials)
I miss being able to go where I want, when I want...
I miss being able to call it a day just because I am not up to it...
I miss being able to take leave just to run errands, cut my hair, do mani & pedi on a weekday...
I miss having 2-hour long lunches (heck, I don't even have time for a proper lunch now)...
I miss being able to hang out with friends or colleagues after work at some hip yuppie place (read - NEW ASIA BAR)
I miss being able to stone (whenever I am commuting)...
I miss having enough sleep...
Lastly, I miss time being alone with me...